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How To/Pro-Tips

Breaking in Boots

Breaking in a new pair of boots? You can avoid painful blisters by simply using two pair of socks. Try a thin pair, even panty hose or knee-highs, on the inside and your regular socks on the outside. That way the socks rub against each other instead of your skin. It works!

First-aid Essentials

Hikers, even on a day trip, should always carry a few first-aid essentials. A small first-aid kit doesn't weigh much and will be well worth its weight if needed. Another consideration should be water-purification pills. Canteens do get broken or left behind.

Hand-held GPS

Have you ever been lost? You never have to experience that lonely feeling again as hand-held GPS (global positioning system) devices continue to become smaller, more user friendly and more affordable by the day. They can tell you where you are, where you've been, where you started and how to get back. They're a bargain for what they do.

Take a Camera

How many times have you been somewhere and wished you had a camera? Everyone's been there. But you don't have to be again as each new generation of point-and-shoot cameras offer excellent service in small packages. Disposables work, too.

Uncharted Territory

Maps do more than get you from one state to another. County maps, aerial photos, topographical maps and navigational charts can reveal natural gems that few know exist. Not every wild area has its own parking lot.

Hours of Operation
Monday - Friday: 10:00 - 6:00
Saturday: 10:00 - 4:00
Sunday: Closed

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